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Register a Complaint

The scope of reviewable complaints is limited to actions directly related to the knowledge or technical performance of the Certified Non-Residential Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician or Certified Employer. Any other complainant will be considered outside the scope of NEBB’s Oversight and Accountability Program.

Acknowledgement of receipt of a reviewable complaint will be sent to the complainant within seven days. Similarly, notice that a complaint is not within the scope of the T24 O&A will be sent to the complainant within seven days.

Sources of Complaint: A project’s owner, his representative, general contractor, mechanical contractor, engineer, or a representative of the Permit Issuing Authority (PIA) may initiate a complaint.

Process Options: A complaint is initiated by completing the complaint form on the Registry.  The complaint will be reviewed and determination will be made on whether the complaint is actionable.

Valid Complaint: Limitation of complaints will cover acceptance test forms only. No contractual issues will be reviewed.

Format for Complaint: Fill out a complaint form found on the Registry,

This form will include:

Complainant’s: Name, Title, Company, Mailing Address, Contact information, and a description of Complainant’s Role in Project.

Project: Registry Project Number, Project Name, Street Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Contact Name, Contact Title, Company, Contact information, and Description of Project.

Certified Employer: Company, Certified Employer Number, Contact Name, Title, Mailing Address, Contact Information and description of Certified Employer’s role in the Project.

Certified Mechanical Acceptance Technician: Certified Technician Number, Name, Title, Mailing Address, Contact information and Description of Certified Technician’s role in Project.

Complaint Detail: Summary of Complaint, Details, Evidence of Complaint (including PDF and JPG files), Requested Resolution.

Electronic: Signature and date

Complaint Filing Process: Upon receipt of a complaint, NEBB will conduct an investigation of the complaint. A decision will be made relative to any necessary corrections for additional training or decertification. Upon determination that either action or no action is required, all parties involved will be notified in a timely manner as to the disposition of the complaint.


Appointment of Investigator: Upon receipt of a written complaint, NEBB will initiate a review of the complaint. NEBB will first endeavor to resolve the issue(s) by discussion.

Investigation process and timeline: NEBB will select a qualified, third party professional to evaluate and address all issues within seven days after receiving an initial complaint. NEBB’s appointed T24 Investigator will contact the Certified Acceptance Test Technician, Employer and the person who initiated the complaint within seven working days of receiving the complaint.

During an initial investigation, the NEBB-appointed T24 investigator may:

— Review applicable plans and specifications.
— Review job-specific procedures and submittals.    
— Review applicable reports and field conditions.
— Review the accuracy of field data.
— Conduct an onsite review
— Attempt to mediate a resolution between the parties
— Take further action as deemed appropriate.

Report Format: At the conclusion of the initial investigation, the appointed T24 Investigator will issue a written report to NEBB based on the communications and the mediation attempts with all parties related to the complaint.

Sources of Data Collection: Registry

Investigator’s Authority to Act: Certified Employers and Technicians must cooperate with an Investigator. Failure to cooperate with an Investigator will result in immediate suspension or revocation of certificate.


The Investigator’s report must determine that the Employer, its agent(s) and / or the Technician(s) adequately and properly performed the required acceptance test(s), and completed the paperwork as required under T24, or detail those areas of the test(s) and / or paperwork that was not adequately and properly performed and / or completed.  If the Investigator’s report supports the complaint, the Investigator will include in the report the extent of impact on the Client. The report shall be delivered by the Investigator to NEBB, whose duties shall include determining from the Investigator’s report, what if any action is required.

NEBB reserves the right, based on the Investigator’s report, to require either corrective action, or decertification of the Certified Employer and / or the Certified Technician. In addition to corrective action, NEBB may require additional training and / or recertification of the Certified Technician.

— Review applicable plans and specifications.
— Review job-specific procedures and submittals.    
— Review applicable reports and field conditions.
— Review the accuracy of field data.
— Conduct an onsite review
— Attempt to mediate a resolution between the parties
— Take further action as deemed appropriate.


Corrective Actions: If NEBB determines that corrective action is required, NEBB will perform one or more of the following actions to resolve the issue:

Decertification or Suspension: NEBB, upon review of the Investigator’s report, may select to decertify or suspend an Employer and / or Technician.

Notification of Determination: A copy of the written determination, of either corrective action or decertification, shall be sent to all parties including the Certified Technician and Employer, the California Energy Commission and NEBB.


Decertified and / or suspended Employers and / or Technicians may request to appeal their certificate status. All appeals must be submitted in writing within 90 days of decertification or suspension.

Review/Appeal Process: If the NEBB Non-Residential Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician or Employer disagrees with NEBB’s decision to decertify or suspend their certificate, the NEBB Non-Residential Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician and / or Employer may appeal the decision and present information and evidence heretofore not considered, for consideration by NEBB.

Follow up on Certificate Holder Performance: If a certificate holder’s certificate has been suspended for a certain period, upon completion of the suspension and reactivation, in addition to the annual performance review, additional review and auditing will be conducted. A reinstatement fee, as well as additional review fees may be imposed upon the reinstated certificate holder.


NEBB will, in no event, assume liability for damages suffered by a customer or any other person attributable to the failure of a NEBB Certified Non-Residential Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician or Employer to complete contractual obligations in accordance with applicable documents.

The T24 O&A will not apply to or address any issues other than those related to compliance with NEBB Non-Residential Mechanical Acceptance Test Certification.

The complainant must cooperate with NEBB to affect appropriate resolution. If they chose not to cooperate, the Investigator notes the refusal of cooperation in the report and the complaint will be archived in the Registry and marked “Closed.”

NEBB will not intervene if the complaint is filed with NEBB later than three (3) months from the date of acceptance testing completion.

Complaints may be registered by using the link below: